Damage to the body caused by excessive running

In life, our proper amount of running exercise is good for our health. However, excessive running exercise is harmful to the body, so we must remember to take an appropriate amount when doing exercise. Since excessive amounts can cause damage, let’s talk about the damage that excessive running does to everyone.

1. Decreased body immunity

Excessive exercise can reduce your immune function, increase the body’s susceptibility to upper respiratory tract infections and other viral infections, make the whole body weak, lose weight, and be susceptible to colds, pneumonia, gastrointestinal infections, and prevent immunity Diseases such as anemia, rheumatoid arthritis, and diabetes provide pathogenic conditions.

2. Nervous system is disturbed

When the amount of exercise exceeds your usual level, memory loss, dizziness, headache, insomnia and other phenomena will appear. Symptoms of neurological disorders may also appear, manifested as paleness, nausea, sweating, dizziness, and tinnitus.

3. It will make you look “older”

Long-term excessive exercise will reduce the body’s antioxidant capacity and increase the production of free radicals, which will accelerate the aging situation. Free radicals have strong oxidizing properties and can take away electrons from normal cells and tissues, thereby damaging cells and body tissues. When the free radicals are produced too much or are removed too slowly, the excess free radicals will cause various damages at the molecular level, cell level, and tissues and organ levels in the body, thereby causing various damages to the body. If you stay in this state for a long time, people will “aging” a lot.

4. Prone to sports injuries

Excessive exercise can cause skeletal muscle function decline, material metabolism changes and even muscle ultrastructure damage, calcium ion levels in muscle cells are disordered, calcium ion concentration increases, and muscles continue to sore. Sometimes continuous excessive exercise can cause fatigue fractures at the attachment point of bone and muscle.

5. Affect athletic ability

Excessive exercise will reduce the function of various organ systems and increase the incidence of exercise-induced anemia, which is mostly iron deficiency anemia. Conversely, anemia can cause insufficient exercise capacity, a decrease in the body’s response ability, a decrease in balance, and a decrease in muscle elasticity. As soon as they arrive at the sports field, they feel dizzy and nauseous. At the same time, they are accompanied by symptoms such as decreased appetite, insomnia, easy awakening, irritability, constipation, depression, anxiety, and susceptibility to colds, which may affect the normal performance of sports ability.

6. Can cause kidney damage

Excessive running can also lead to mass sweating, reduced renal blood flow, concentrated urine, and hypertonic urine. During excessive exercise, blood vessels constrict and the body lacks oxygen and carbon dioxide, which causes acute kidney damage.

We must clearly know that moderate exercise is good, and it hurts after passing! We can provide various sports gears for you in different sports, such as running, fast walking, climbing, skiing, ball games and so on. A set of knee pads and elbow pads will help you support your joint and protect you from being hurt in sports.

Post time: Nov-16-2020